Simrad Rs40 Vhf Ais-rx

Sale price$699.00
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Simrad RS40 VHF AIS-RX

Model: 00014470001
  • Simrad RS40 Replaces the current RS35 mid level VHF, updated to comply with EN 301 025 (v2.2.1)
  • New front mountable design for easy installation
  • Low profile design to align with style of Simrad MFD’s
  • Seamless integration with a wider Simrad system through NMEA 2000 and 0183
  • Built in AIS Receiver
  • Large screen with intuitive user interface
  • Optional wireless handsets with inductive charging
Temperature range -15 to +55°C (+5 to +131°F)
Waterproof IPX7
Normal Working Voltage +13.6 V DC
Minimum operating Voltage ?10 V DC
Low battery detect Voltage 10.5 ± 0.5 V DC
Over Voltage Protection >15.8 ± 0.5 V DC
Hailer Audio Power Out 30 W
Current Drain RX Max Audio Power ?1.5 A
Current Drain Stand-By RX ?0.45 A
Current Drain At 12V DC : Hi Power TX ?6 A
Current Drain At 12V DC : Lo Power TX ?1.5 A
Frequency Range: Transmit 156.025?157.425 MHz
Frequency Range: Receive 156.050?163.275 MHz
Channels PLL
Modulation FM(16KOG3E) DSC(16K0G2B)
Channel Spacing 25 KHz
Frequency Stability ±5 PPM
Digital Selectivity Calling (DSC) Class D
LCD Display FSTN 256x160 Pixels
AIS Max Targets 150
Intermediate Frequency : 1st 38.85/21.7 MHz
Intermediate Frequency : 2nd 450 KHz
Sensitivity : 12dB SINAD ?-6 dBuV(EMF)
Squelch Sensitivity: at tight ? 6 dBuV(EMF)
Spurious Response Rejection Ratio ?70 Db
Adjacent Channel Selectivity ?70 dB
Intermodulation Response ?68 dB
S/N at 3KHz Dev. ?40 dB
Audio Output Power At THD 10% ?2.5 W
Audio Distortion ?10 %
Audio Response +1 to -3dB of 6dB/octave from 300hz to 3kHz
Current Drain Max Audio Power ?1.5 A
Current Drain Stand-By ?0.45 A
2ND RX Sensitivity For 12dB SINAD ? 0 dBuV(EMF)
2ND RX bit error ratio@-107dBm ? 10-2
Frequency error ?±1.5KHz KHz
RF Power : Hi 23 ± 2 W
RF Power : Lo 0.8 ± 0.2 W
Maximum Deviation ?± 5 KHz
S/N at 3KHz Dev. ?40 dB
Modulation Distortion ±3KHz ?10 %
Audio Response at 1KHz Dev. +1 to -3dB of 6dB/octave from 300hz to 3KHz dB
Spurious/Harmonic Emissions: Hi/LO ?0.25 uW
Modulation Sensitivity ?15 mV
DSC TX deviation at 1.3K 2.6±0.26 KHz
DSC TX deviation at 2.1K 4.2±0.42 KHz
ATIS TX deviation at 1.3 KHz 1.3±0.13 KHz
ATIS TX deviation at 2.1 KHz 2.1±0.21 KHz

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